List With Us
All mandatory fields are marked with ‘*’
Enter Event Details
Upload Your Media *
Media *
Upload photos and videos (maximum total of 6) below to share more about your events with our Catch members!
Main thumbnail
- Your first photo will be used as a cover image on event cards, like those on the homepage.
- Recommended ratio aspect is 4:3
Other photos
- Other photos will be displayed in the event listing itself
- Recommended ratio aspect is 9:16
Please ensure your image is in JPG, PNG, or JPEG format.
Note that your image size should be smaller than 1000x750 pixels and under 1 MB.
You are encouraged to share at least one video so Catch members can envision your event better! This will also be displayed in your event’s listing.
The ideal video ratio is 9:16. Your video link should be an embedded URL.
For more info, check out our instructions here.
Assign Categories
Event Categories:*
Event Genre:*
Contact Information
This is for the public to contact you for more enquires.