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Not just child’s play: 7 arts and wellness programmes to nurture young minds

2 mins read

Welcome to a world where creativity flourishes and wellness blooms! Imagine vibrant art studios buzzing with innovative and mindfulness programs that nurture young hearts and minds. Here are seven such programmes that not only spark creativity but also foster and enhance emotional wellbeing, all while cultivating a love for the arts in children.

Embrace creativity and wellness with us! Click here to explore a variety of programmes and events suitable for all ages.

1. GalleryKids! by National Gallery Singapore

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Step into the world of GalleryKids! at the National Gallery Singapore—a one-stop place where arts and adventure collide! This program blends art, culture, and creativity, offering a variety of experiences that stimulate inventiveness, promote social interaction, and encourage emotional expression.

Find out more here!

2. High Touch Programme by Playeum

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Unleash creativity, boost confidence, and nurture social-emotional skills with Playeum's High Touch Programme for kids from at-risk backgrounds! Through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics) activities and a playful arts approach, this programme aims to empower children to sparkle with confidence, take charge of their journey, and soar to their fullest potential.

Find out more here!

3. Creative Upcycling Adventures by Mindful Space

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Creativity knows no bounds at "Creative Upcycling Adventures" by Mindful Space! From yoga and aerial play to transforming everyday items into new creations, this hands-on 3-day camp not only fosters artistic skills but also promotes mindfulness, contributing to children's overall wellbeing and eco-awareness.

Find out more here!

4. The Artground

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Enter The Artground, Singapore's first multi-disciplinary children's art centre. Here, families gather to explore, learn, and spark curiosity through a kaleidoscope of art forms. The mission? To unite artists, educators, parents, and kids from all walks of life to uncover and create unforgettable artistic adventures together!

Find out more here!

5. Artary

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Artary is the place to be for young artists to embark on exciting art journeys that are both thoughtful and holistic. Whether it's themed courses packed with games, stories, and songs or art jams, their approach strikes a perfect balance between essential training and individual expression.

Find out more here!

6. Little Artists Art Studio

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Explore Little Artists Art Studio, a uniquely Singaporean program where our little ones explore various mediums, enhancing self-expression, concentration, and motor skills while channelling their energy in a positive direction. With carefully crafted Fine Art classes spanning sketching, painting, 3D art, interactive cultural art, and clay sculpture, there’s something here for every artist.

Find out more here!

7. Urban Farm Experience & Pop-Up Playground by Mindful Space

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Immerse yourself in a day of arts and wellness at Mindful Spaces's Urban Farm Experience & Pop-Up Playground! Discover nature's treasures with a guided tour and participate in arts and crafts using recyclable materials in their pop-up playground, all designed to foster nature connection, creative expression, mindfulness practices, and community engagement.

Find out more here!

More than just paint and play, children’s arts and wellness programmes are integral to fostering joy, confidence and emotional development in our young ones. They provide vital pathways for children to explore their inner worlds, as well as nurture wellbeing and mindfulness. So, why wait? Enrol them in the next class and watch their imagination soar!

Image credits: National Gallery Singapore, Playeum, Mindful Space, The Artground, Artary and Little Artists Art Studio.

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